• The used release is Debian 10 - Buster

  • Sources and issues reports on Github

Set keyboard language

  1. Go to Settings > Region & Language

  2. Select Language and Input sources

If desired language does not appear, configure locales on terminal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

Activate touchpad click

  1. Go to Settings > Devices > Mouse & Touchpad

  2. Select Tap to click

Turn off Blank Screen

  1. Go to Settings > Power

  2. Select desired option on Blank Screen

  3. Turn off Automatic Suspend

Gnome Tweak Tool

Tool for extra gnome configuration.

  1. Install Gnome Tweak Tool(it’s usually installed):

    sudo aptitude install gnome-tweak-tool

where you can:

  • Active Dark Theme on Appearance tab

  • On Desktop tab active 'Icons on Desktop'

  • On Extension tab active: Alternatetab, User Themes, Launch new instance

  • On Windows active maximize and minimize buttons for title bar


Go to Settings > Devices > Keyboard, scroll to the end of the window and click at the symbol + to add a custom shortcuts, examples:

  • Add Gnome terminal:

Name: Gnome Terminal
Command: gnome-terminal
Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + T
  • Add Nautilus(File explorer):

Name: Nautilus
Command: nautilus
Shortcut: Super(windows) + E
  • Hide all windows and show desktop, select existing Hide all normal windows of the Navigation section:

Name: Hide all normal windows
Shortcut: Super(windows) + D
  • Lock screen, select existing Lock screen of the System section:

Name: Lock screen
Shortcut: Super(windows) + L

Create new “Documents” with right click

  1. Go to Templates folder on user home an create an empty file:

    touch "$HOME/Templates/empty"

    This will create an option on the right click menu named New Document where all the files on the Templates folder will be available

  2. Repeat this step with all new document templates

Order icons by type on Nautilus(File explorer)

  1. Open Nautilus

  2. Open Preferences menu: Click on Files(at activities bar) > Preferences

  3. Select Sort folders before files at Views tab

Install Extra Fonts

On terminal type:

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu

Modify Activities Bar

  1. Install Activities Configurator extension

  2. To Configure extension, open Tweak Tool: Extensions(tab) > Activities Configurator > Click on Gear symbol

  3. Change symbol of activites bar, click on Select icon and search for desired icon. (debian logo located at /usr/share/pixmaps/debian-logo.png)

  4. Active Hide text, configure Icon Padding , Panel Transparency, etc.

With this Debian version, Gnome extension and plugin only works on Firefox.

Set new icons theme

  1. Download icon pack(for instance Luv icon theme[before Flattr icons master] or Paper icon theme or Paper)

  2. Extract folder and move to /usr/share/icons:

    sudo mv FOLDER /usr/share/icons
  3. Select icon theme on Tweak Tool in Appearance tab

Some icons package:

Set new Gnome Shell themes

  1. Download Gnome Shell themes(for instance moka-gnome-shell-theme or minimoka-gnome-shell)

  2. Extract folder and move to /usr/share/themes:

    sudo mv FOLDER /usr/share/themes
  3. Select Gnome Shell theme on Tweak Tool in Appearance tab

Some themes packages:

Modify Terminal Colors

  1. Open terminal

  2. Edit > Preferences > Profile > Colors(tab)

  3. Uncheck User colors from system theme

  4. Select Green on black on Built-in schemes

Background Apps on Activities bar

In Gnome 3.26 Apps tray is gone, so install Top icons extension to see the apps running on background.

Bring back Desktop icons

In Gnome 3.30 They remove Desktop icons, install Bring Back Desktop Icons extension to bring them back.


  • To modify icon size on file explorer user ctrl + '-' or ctrl + '+'.

  • To add a location on file menu on Nautilus selection the add bookmark icon.

On Debian installation series
